About the Journal

Jurnal Ners Generation is a Nursing Scientific Journal which is managed by the Department of Nursing and Professional of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Muhammadiyah Bengkulu University. Article manuscripts to be published are sent to email jurnalnersgeneration@umb.ac.id or you can submit articles directly by first registering here. Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah Bengkulu is published four time a year in September, December, March, and June. Jurnal Ners Generation is published through hardcopy and uploaded via the website: http://jurnal.umb.ac.id/index.php/ng. E-ISSN 2964-9099.

The topics to be published are topics related to nursing science which include Medical-Surgical Nursing, Critical Care Nursing, Emergency Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Maternity Nursing, Mental Health Nursing, Gerontological Nursing, Family and Community Nursing, and other health fields.

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Ners Generation
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