Saat ini perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi semakin pesat dan tanpa batas. Perubahan pola pikir dan tingkah laku masyarakat merupakan dampak dari perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi tersebut atau yang saat ini dikenal dengan istilah society 5.0. Salah satu tantangan terbesar di era society 5.0 ini adalah berkurangnya peran aktif masyarakat dalam mengimplementasikan warisan budaya di Indonesia. Penulis dalam artikel ini menawarkan solusi inovasi media pembelajaran berupa sebuah aplikasi yaitu MC (Math with Culture) guna membantu siswa SMP dalam mengimplementasikan warisan budaya melalui pembelajaran matematika. Metode yang penulis gunakan yaitu Research and Development dengan model Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) dengan teknik analisis data secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Pada penelitian ini, didapatkan hasil bahwa aplikasi MC (Math with Culture) dikategorikan layak dipakai dalam pembelajaran mata pelajaran matematika.
Kata Kunci: Society era 5.0; Budaya Indonesia, Aplikasi MC (Math with Culture).
Nowadays, the development of science and technology is increasingly rapid and boundless. Changes in people's mindsets and behaviors are the impact of the development of science and technology or what is currently known as society 5.0. One of the biggest challenges in this era of society 5.0 is the reduced active role of the community in implementing cultural heritage in Indonesia. The author in this article offers an innovative learning media solution in the form of an application, namely MC (Math with Culture) to help junior high school students in implementing cultural heritage through mathematics learning. The method that the author uses is Research and Development with the (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) ADDIE model with qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques. In this study, the results were obtained that the MC (Math with Culture) application was categorized as feasible for use in learning mathematics subjects.
Keywords: Society era 5.0; Indonesian Culture, MC (Math with Culture) Application.
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