The purpose of this study is to compare the results of reliability estimation for multiple choice test instrument with data derived from simple random sampling and stratified random sampling using KR-20 formula and Considering one of disadvantages of a multiple choice instrument is guessing factor, this studi also estimatie reliability by using probability guessing formula as well. The study use quantitative descriptive method,with one way analisys of variance. Data Population is mathematics test results of 69.193 12th grade students fromall over jakarta senior high school wich secondary obtained from BNSP. The results of this study show that, on the same sampling technique,indicates that probability guessing formula estimation are higher compare to KR-20 formula. In terms of estimate reliability with same formula and data derived from different sampling method, indicate even by KR-20 formula or probability guessing formula, estimation of reliability will higher by data derived from simple random samplingÂ
Keywords: KR-20 formula, probability guessing formula, sampling technique, simple random sampling, stratified random sampling
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