Edukasi Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja dalam Perspektif Sains dan Fiqih di SMA Negeri 9 Kota Bengkulu
Edukasi Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja dalam Perspektif Sains dan Fiqih di SMA Negeri 9 Kota Bengkulu
Adolescents' low insight into reproductive health will lead to negative behavior. Adolescents need to know reproductive health from the point of view of science and fiqh, so that adolescents not only know but can apply reproductive health behaviors in everyday life. The purpose of this activity is to increase adolescent knowledge about reproductive health in the perspective of science and fiqh. Activities are carried out with counseling and screenings about reproductive health. The implementation time is in November-February at SMA Negeri 09 Bengkulu City. The target of this activity is all students of class XII. The stages of preparatory activities include coordinating the Community Service team, conducting surveys to collect preliminary data, and preparing counseling and training materials. The implementation stages include counseling and training consisting of lectures and question and answer sessions, as well as practices or demonstrations, and the assessment stage. This community service activity is for students to know and understand about the reproductive process in adolescence, problems that occur in adolescence in the perspective of science and fiqh. Prevention efforts are in the form of behavioral examples so that adolescents are aware of reproductive health problems of the Islamic view of dating and knowing the procedures for purification.Referensi
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