Mekanisme Perdagangan Efek Transaksi Luar Bursa


  • Febi Mulia Putri Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau
  • Puja Diyanti Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau
  • Delfira Nofrianis Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau


This study aims to determine the mechanism of transactions outside the stock exchange.  This research focuses on the object of transactions outside the exchange.  This descriptive qualitative research seeks to describe phenomena that occur as they are.  Data was obtained by collecting, comparing, and analyzing previous research literature with reference to existing regulations.  The results of the study show that over-the-counter transactions are transactions that are not regulated by the stock exchange that occurs between securities companies and parties that are not securities companies according to OJK regulation number 22/POJK/2019 article 22 concerning over-the-counter transactions.  However, there are no binding regulations to regulate over-the-counter transaction activities using the dark pool transaction mechanism.  A dark pool is an alternative for conducting transactions outside the stock exchange which is a special forum that cannot be accessed by public investors.  With a mechanism that only involves brokers and investors without reporting to the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).  This has an impact on the exchange transaction itself so this type of transaction needs to be regulated in formal regulations (whether it is prohibited or accepted with a note) to ensure the protection and security of the transacting parties.


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