Every company wants to achieve high sales every year and to achieve these sales, an attractive and accurate marketing and strategy is definitely needed so that consumers can trust the products and buy products from the company. PT. Pesona Alam Sinergi is a company that sells subsidized housing, the company PT. This Natural Enchantment of Synergy has been established since 3 years ago or in 2019. In carrying out marketing activities, a company has several goals to be achieved, both short-term goals and long-term goals. In the short term usually to win the hearts of consumers, especially for newly launched products. Meanwhile, in the long term, it is done to maintain existing products in order to continue to exist. In general, to understand the concept of marketing strategy, it is necessary to introduce an understanding of the concept of marketing strategy. Â Based on the SWOT analysis for Internal factors, a score of 3.03 was obtained for the strength factor which had the highest score was "experienced development" with a score of 0.77, and for the weakness factor which had the highest score was "the facilities provided were incomplete" with a score of 0.44. Then the IFE result value is 3.03. Based on the SWOT analysis for external factors, a score of 2.74 was obtained for the opportunity factor which had the highest score was "a large target market" with a score of 0.80. And for the threat factor that has the highest score is "increase in material prices" with a score of 0.50. Then the value of the EFE result is 2.74.
Keywords: Marketing strategy, HousingReferensi
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