
  • Bayu Putra Pratama Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu




This research aimed to determine the effect of product knowledge toward buying interest of second-hand clothes at Yomci Shop store. The type of this research used survey research with quantitative descriptive method. The population of this research was the Yomci Shop customers as many as 80 people as the sample of this research that taken by using accidental sampling. The data analysis techniques of this research used analysis of respondents' responses, simple regression analysis, coefficient of determination test and hypothesis testing. The results of the research indicate the effect of product knowledge toward buying interest of second-hand clothes at the Yomci Shop shop. It is proved by the regression equation Y = 4.362 + 0.535 (X) and the results of the termination coefficient (R2) is 0.406 or 40.6%. The remaining 0.594 or 59.4% is influenced by other variables that are not included in this research. The results of the t test on Knowledge (X) t_hit 7.411 > t table 1.990 with a significant level of 0.000 < from 0.050 so it can be concluded that knowledge partially has a significant effect toward buying interest of second-hand clothes at the Yomci Shop.

Keywords: Knowledge, Buying Interest


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