As a public service, employees at the Citangkil District Office must be guided by the principles of transparency and accountability and clearly regulate the rights and obligations of service providers and those served. In order to determine the performance of employees at the Citangkil District Office related to public services, a performance evaluation is needed. The implementation of the performance evaluation aims to determine the performance of employees at the Citangkil District Office, Cilegon City through the variables of efficacy, capability and innovative behavior. The data used are primary data obtained from distributing questionnaires to residents who use services at the Citangkil District Office. The method used in this study is the method of influence analysis through hypothesis testing and path analysis. This method is carried out by analyzing the influence of the variables of creative efficacy (X1) and Employee Capability (X2) through Innovative Behavior (Y) on Employee Performance (Z). Results of this study showed that there was a significant positive influence of creative efficacy (X1) through Innovative Behavior (Y) on Employee Performance (Z) with a coefficient value of 0.229. And there is a significant positive influence of Employee Capability (X2) through Innovative Behavior (Y) on Employee Performance (Z) with a coefficient value of 0.344.
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