This paper is a sociological study to reveal the religious behavior related to aspects of social life. In general sociology is a field of science that studies about human beings as social and interactions that occur in the community. The community includes families, tribes, Nations, countries, and various political organizations, economic and social. Perspective of Sociology is the sociological perspective in reviewing community that consists of: a perspective of symbolic interaction perspective, evolution, the structural functional perspective, and the perspective of the conflict. In this paper will describe one of the perspective that is the perspective of evolution (social change). The Evolutionist's perspective, in detail looking for patterns of change and development that arise in different communities, to find out if there is a general sequence can be found in connection with the concept of Islamic wasathiyah. The development of the human understanding of understanding aimed at keberagamaan the social behavior of religious Muslims who can compromise in building a life together. Other terms that are in line with the concept of this is Islam as Rahmatan lil Alamin. In this case it is indeed very moderate Islamic behavior is required because human beings live together between the tribes and groups of Muslims religious compound should maintain a life without denying the existence of other people remain wedded to their respective beliefs without pressure and coercion from the other party. It turns out that Islam teaches his people behave socially for life tolerans, fair, and peaceful tenets in life together. The ideal conditions are certainly not walking straight to the concept of understanding the society in General. Thereby that religious understanding wasathiyah (moderate) we can deduce that the understanding of the stages had religious in accordance with the development of the community's understanding of religion