Aplikasi Presensi Karyawan Menggunakan Geolocation Dan Metode Haversine Berbasis Android

Aplikasi Presensi Karyawan Menggunakan Geolocation Dan Metode Haversine Berbasis Android


  • Muhamad Ade Crisna Universitas Catur Insan Cendikia




The presence of employees has an important role so that processes or activities run well, Catur Insan Cendekia University in its employee attendance activities already uses a fingerprint machine, but it is not yet connected systemically, so the Personnel Department has to manually retrieve data every month, and in the processing of the attendance data recap still counting the number of presences of each employee manually and also in the process of employees doing permission still manually, by contacting the Personnel Section via the WhatsApp application to confirm the work permit. So we need an online presence application that can be connected directly to the Personnel Section, automatically perform attendance data recap processing, and can also provide convenience to employees in making attendance and work permits. Geolocation is used to get the coordinates of the location of a smartphone device and the Haversine Formula is a method used to calculate the distance used in this research so, that employees can only make a presence within the Catur Insan Cendekia University environment and block the use of the fake global positioning system applications.





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