Usability Analysis of Academic Information Systems Based on Usability Scale (Case Study: Universitas Mercu Buana)


  • Sarwati Rahayu
  • Andi Nugroho
  • Sulis Sandiwarno
  • Umniy Salamah
  • Erwin Dwika Putra
  • Mariana Purba
  • Hadiguna Setiawan



The usability analysis on the website of Mercu Buana University (UMB) is an important research carried out to ensure that the site effectively supports the university's goals, especially in terms of the user's experience in completing academic and administrative goals with ethical and professional standards. This research was carried out during the period January 2024 to May 2024. The main purpose of this study is to measure the usability of the UMB website using a questionnaire method. The questionnaire used for the research adapted the System Usability Scale (SUS) which consisted of a total of 10 questions. Based on the calculation of each statement item having a minimum score of 0 and a maximum score of 2.5, the final score of each respondent ranged from 0 to l00. The average score obtained was 63,125. Based on the results of the score of 63,125, the UMB website has a score in the range of 50 to 70. This shows that the UMB website is in the "quite good" category but there is still a need for a little improvement. Some icons or layouts on the UMB website are not familiar to respondents. In addition, there needs to be guidelines developed to provide information on how to use the website for users who are using the UMB website for the first time.






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