Author's Guide

Writing Rules

Please follow the following writing rules, before submitting the article manuscript:
Title : Center, Bold, 16pt
Author's Name: number on the front of the author's name and without title
         Example: 1Bambang Pamungkas
Affiliation: give a number according to the author's affiliation, if the same for each author, please enter only 1 affiliation, in the following format:
1University of Muhammadiyah Bengkulu, Indonesia
Email : Please enter all the emails of the authors involved and put the number on the front according to the author's name Example :
Abstract : Only 100-200 words, covering research problems, discussions, and research results with 10pt conditions
Correspondence Author: Please enter the name of the correspondent author along with the study program, affiliation, and email
Writing Structure:

Articles must contain articles that contain, 1) Introduction, 2) Research Methods (may include analysis, architecture, methods used to solve problems, implementation), 3) Results and Discussion, 4) Conclusions, 5) Acknowledgments (if any) ) and Reference . The text uses New Roman time 10 bold.

The introduction is the answer to the questions: a. Background, b. Brief literature review, c. The reason for this research, d. About the goal.

Research methodology

Describe the preparation methods and characterization techniques used. Describe concisely and accurately such as size, volume, replication, and workmanship technique. The new method must be explained in detail so that other researchers can reproduce the experiment. While established methods can be explained by reviewing the literature.
Manuscript Length

The manuscript is written in A4 paper size with a minimum number of 6 pages, a maximum of 15 pages, including tables and figures, and with reference to the writing procedures that have been compiled in this article.
Tables should be numbered in the order in which they are presented (Table 1, Table 2, Table n..). The title of the table is written in a centered position above the table. The font used for table titles and table contents is 8pt. Tables must be cited and mentioned in the text.
Images are numbered according to the order in which they are presented (Figure 1., Figure 2. , Figure n.). The caption for the image is positioned in the center of the page, below the image (center justified). The font size is 8 points. Images must be cited and mentioned in the text.
Page Specifications

Use Times New Roman throughout the manuscript, with the font size as shown in this writing guide. Single-spaced spacing, and the content of the text or manuscript using the left-right alignment (justified). The page size is A4 (210 mm x 297 mm). Page margins are 25 mm top-bottom, left, and right. An easy way to write scripts is to write directly in the Journal template.

Writing references using the IEEE Reference Standards. It is recommended to use Mendeley/Endnote/Zotero tools. Everything listed in the bibliography/reference must be referenced in writing or in papers. Minimum of 10 main and most recent references (last 5 years).