Employment Contract Evaluation System Using a Forward Chaining Method Expert System


  • Egga Asoka Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya Palembang
  • Lailatur Rahmi Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya Palembang
  • Yulia Hapsari Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya Palembang
  • Alem Pameli Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya Palembang
  • Afdhal uddin Politeknik Darussalam




Each company certainly has a different employee evaluation system, as is the case in the Trafoindo Group Company. Evaluation of Employee Employment Contracts should ideally be easy to understand and have basic guidelines to make it easier for Work Leaders to make decisions. Determining assessment criteria is very important so that the decisions made are not wrong and meet the company's needs. An Expert System is a decision-making method designed to make decisions like an expert and can embed expert knowledge in the system so that it can help make decisions. In terms of evaluating each employee's work contract at Trafoindo Group, it is still manual, so systematic and measurable steps are needed. Creating an expert system is needed to produce accurate and fast decisions so that the processing of existing information can run efficiently. Based on the results of research with the evaluation used, blackbox testing gets a maximum value of 100% success rate of the system running






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