This study aims to determine types of weed existing on coffee plantations in Teras TerunjamVillage of Mukomuko. This research has been conducted from 8 February to 8 March 2018 in Teras Terunjam Village. Sampling is done by using the cruising sampling method on coffee plantation area of 2 ha, and all of them are made as research field. The results showed that the existing weeds in coffee plantations are consisted of 16 species and 12 families. The study found that the family of Amaranthaceae has 1 species (Amaranthus spinosus L), family of Apiaceae 1 species (Centella asiatica), the family of Asteraceae 3 species (Ageratum conyzoides, Mikania micrantha, and Synedrella nodiflora L.), the family of Euphorbiaceae 1 species (Euphorbia hirta L.), the family of Fabaceae 1 species (Mimosa pudica), the family of Cyperaceae 1 species (Cyperus rotundus), the family of Melastomataceae 2 species (Clidemia hirta and Melastoma affine), the family of Phyllanthaceae 1 species (Phyllanthus urinaria), family of Poaceae 2 species (Imperata cylindrica, and Lophatherum gracile ), Rubiaceae family 1 species (Borerria alata), Solanaceae 1 species family (Physalis angulate L.), Verbenaceae family 1 species (Stachytarpeta jamaicensis). In addition, from the existing 16 species, the most commonly weeds found are from the family of Asteraceae, Melastomataceae, and Poaceae.
Keywords: Weeds, Plantations, Coffee, Types, Teras Terunjam Village.Referensi
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