“ Analysis of Introduction Section Written by Lecturers on Lateralisasi Journal and Math-UMB Edu Journal “


  • Epi Wadison Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu
  • Mariyah Ulva Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu




The aim of this research was to know about introduction section written by Lecturers on Lateralisasi Journal and Math-UMB Edu Journal, the research found that the introduction section of Research article written by Lecturers on Lateralisasi journal and Math-UMB Edu journal were “not sufficient†because the Lecturers did not use all of moves in introduction section based on Swales (1990). The result, all Lecturers did not use Move II, Whereas, in writing a good and strong introduction section must had Move I, Move II, and Move III. Thus, the writer would like to suggest that the Lecturers’ research articles in journal had understand about the concept of Rhetorical move based on Swales in introduction section


Key Words : Rhetorical Move, Linguistics Feature, Introduction Section.


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