
  • Dea Lorenza Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu
  • Ade Tiara Yulinda Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu


This study means to decide the impact of the impact of advanced showcasing and saw quality on buying choices at the Fashion Squire in Bengkulu City. This examination was directed on purchasers at the style shop in Bengkulu city, the populace utilized in this study were all buyers who shopped at the design shop in Bengkulu city. The quantity of tests utilized upwards of 96 respondents. The information that has been gathered is handled utilizing the Classical Assumption Test Technique, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Technique. The consequences of this study demonstrate that to some degree the Digital Marketing variable essentially affects the buying choice variable, H1 is acknowledged and the Perceived Quality fundamentally affects the Purchase Decision variable, H2 is acknowledged. While the Digital Marketing f test (X1) and Perceived Quality (X2) affect the Purchase Decision (Y) at the City of Bengkulu City Squire with the goal that H3 is acknowledged. The generally huge level is (sig = 0.000 < 0.05). Furthermore, has a relapse condition Y = 4.575 + 0.165X1 + 0.424X2. Furthermore, the coefficient of assurance (R2) R Square worth is 0.484. Where the coefficient of assurance implies that together computerized showcasing and saw quality make a major commitment in affecting buying choices at Juragan Mode, Bengkulu City. Furthermore, the most prevailing component with the biggest relapse coefficient esteem is the Perceived Quality (X2) variable with a worth of 0.424.

Keywords: Digital Marketing, Perceived Quality and Purchase Decision.


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