Persepsi Orang Tua Terhadap Dampak Memberikan Gadget Pada Anak Usia Pra Sekolah


  • Elza Puspitasari Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu
  • Selvia Novita Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu


he use of technology that is growing rapidly makes all people use gadgets. One of them is in pre-school age children, parents give gadgets to children so that they can become learning media and parents can move without any disturbance. Gadgets certainly have an impact on users depending on how the gadget is used. This study aims to determine the perception of parents on the impact of giving gadgets to pre-school age children. This study uses a mixed method research method by combining quantitative and qualitative approaches with a sequential explanatory type of design. The results of quantitative research, a population of 90 people obtained a sample of 22 people. Quantitative data in the form of questionnaires on parental understanding of gadgets and the impact of giving gadgets to pre-school age children, while qualitative has 7 informants, qualitative data in the form of interviews about the experience of giving gadgets to pre-school children and then documented using recording aids and notes from observations. The results of this study found that the perception of parents on the impact of giving gadgets to pre-school age children was mostly in the good category. However, gadgets also have a negative impact on children, namely children become addicted to playing gadgets. Suggestions can be used as a basic reference in conducting further and better research.



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