This paper explores the connotative meaning in selected love songs by Adele. The important thing that underlies this study due to her songs contain a lot of connotative language. In term of this brings researcher’ intention for exploring closely the meaning of connotative language used from the lyrics of Adele’ songs. In conducting this, the qualitative research by focusing on content analysis is used for interpreting the messages of connotative language from the selected songs of Adele, such as Rolling in the Deep, Someone Like You, Set Fire to the Rains, He Want’ go, Turning Tables, and Take it All. The results of analysis obtained three forms of connotative meaning from the selected songs by Adele, namely describing of woman characterization who are being undergone the sadness of love, such as revenge, strong, and survival. In short, Adele through her songs implies the positive images of woman.
Keywords: Connotative, Love, Language, Adele, Song
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