This research aims to: 1) find the students’ Difficulties in Writing Thesis at the English Education Study Program of Muhammadiyah University Bengkulu (UMB) Academic Year 2016- 2017?; and 2) find the most difficult variable they faced in Writing the theses? The design of this research is a descriptive quantitative research. The instruments that used to collect the data in this study were questionnaire and interview guide. The data were analyzed by following the steps below: 1) checking the students’ answer in the questionnaire; 2) classifying the students’ answers; 3) calculating the students’ score of difficulties in writing thesis; 4) checking the students’ answers in interview; and 5) describing the data, and concluding the results. The findings showed that the difficulties that the students faced in writing thesis were different. The students’ difficulties in writing thesis were related to: 1) Difficulties dealing with students’ English proficiencies; 2) Difficulties dealing with students’ time management; 3) Difficulties dealing with co-advisor relationship, students’ plagiarism, students’ personalities, the big number of supervised students and advisor workload; 4) Difficulties dealing with students’ research methodology; 5) Difficulties dealing with students’ research topic; 6) Difficulties dealing with students motivation; and 7) Difficulties dealing with students’ attitude.
Keywords: students’ difficulties, writing, thesis
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