Fokus dan Cakupan

JAM-EKIS  is a peer-reviewed journal. Ekombis invites academics and researchers who do original research in the fields of economics, management, and accounting, dan Islamic economic including but not limited to:

Management Science


     Financial management

     Human Resource Management

     International Business



     Monetary Economics, Finance, and Banking

     International Economics

     Public Economics

     Economic development

     Regional Economy

Accounting Sciences

     Taxation and Public Sector Accounting

     Accounting information system


     Financial Accounting

     Management accounting

     Behavioral accounting

Economic Of Islamic

Economic Of Islamic Teory, Islamic trade law (fiqh muamalah), Islamic social systems, and Religious regulations (such as zakat, infaq, waqaf, advice to support orphans and the poor, prohibition of maisir, gharar, and usury) all of which have an influence on the scope of the economy