This study uses bibliometric analysis to produce a comprehensive economic performance research mapping. This study examines changes in citations, publication trends, author collaborations, trend titles, trend author keywords, trend abstracts, nations, dominance factors, research development, and future research in economic performance papers from the Scopus index with the range of 2015-2024. This study uses a bibliometric analysis method. The research sample used was 1,845 articles with the keyword "Economic Performance." The year with the most citations, according to statistics, is 2023, with 6,312 citations. Mohamed e. Zayed, Abd Elnaby Kabeel, Amrit Kumar Thakur, A. E. Kabeel, Swellam W. Sharshir and M. M. Younes are the authors with the most networks/collaborations, as many as 46 of the term "growth" is the most commonly used keyword in the Economic Performance article. Ten countries linked Economic Performance to the study: Pakistan, Indonesia, Russia, Turkey, Japan, Norway, Vietna, Romania, Bangladesh and Iraq. Co-occurrence network visualization describes networks or relationships from one term to another in research in the field of Economic Performance for the 2015-2024 period. While the visual overlay represents keywords indicating the year of publication, the density visualization signifies research on a topic that is still very broad to be studied.
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