
  • Herlin Herlin Universitas Dehasen
  • Rina Trisna Yanti Universitas Dehasen




The purpose of this study is to determine the financial performance of PT. Pegadaian (Persero) Tbk in 2018-2019.

The results showed that the total score of financial performance of PT. Pegadaian (Persero) is on an unhealthy interval scale, which is at a total criterion score of 50 - 65 (Minister of BUMN Nomo: Kep-100 / MBU / 2002. These results indicate that the financial performance of PT. Pegadaian (Persero) Tbk using the ratio finance, namely the cash ratio in 2018 obtained a value of 130.1 with a score of 10 and in 2019 a score of 129.1 and a score of 8 (very healthy). Calculation of the current ratio in 2018 with a value of 1.17 and a score of 0, while the year 2019 with a score of 0.39 and a score of 0 (unhealthy). Debt to Equity Ratio in 2018 with a score of 162.4 and a score of 10, while in 2019 the score was 183.2 with a score of 10 (very healthy). Debt to Total Asset Ratio in 2018 with a score of 61.8 and a score of 0, while in 2019 the value was 64.6 with a score of 0 (unhealthy) .The Gros Profit Margin ratio in 2018 shows a value of 31.9 with a score of 8.5 and in 2019 the score is 23.9 and a score of 8.5 (Very Healthy) Net Profit Margin ratio for the year 2018 shows a value of 24.2 with a score of 8.5 and in 2019 a score of 17.5 and a score of 8.5 (Very Healthy). The Return On Investement (ROI) ratio in 2018 scored 11.6 with a score of 8.5 and in 2019 with a score of 17.9 and a score of 8.5 (Very Healthy) and the Return On Equity (ROE) ratio, throughout 2018 with a value of 44.4 and a score of 8.5 and in 2019 with a value of 47.9 and a score of 8.5 (very healthy).

Keyword : Ferformance Financial, Financial Ratio



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