
  • Jodi Septiadi Akbar Politeknik Caltex Riau
  • Aulia Politeknik Caltex Riau



The emergence of digital technology has driven disruptive innovations across various business sectors, including the service industry. These disruptive innovations replace traditional business models with platform-based approaches, such as Traveloka, Tiketcom, and Airbnb. Their presence provides a new experience for consumers while also changing competition patterns, operational efficiency, and asset utilization. This study aims to analyze the impact of factors such as ease of use, competitive advantage, service quality, and platform value-added features on user satisfaction and loyalty in the context of digital-based service businesses in Indonesia. The research approach uses a quantitative method with 183 respondents. The regression analysis results show that ease of use, competitive advantage, and service quality significantly affect user satisfaction. On the other hand, user loyalty is influenced by ease of use, competitive advantage, and platform value-added features. These findings highlight the importance of focusing on user experience and the competitiveness of core services rather than solely relying on additional incentives. This research provides strategic recommendations for traditional businesses to adapt to the digital model and optimize the factors affecting user satisfaction and loyalty


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