The purpose of this article is to explain the importance of the government's role in advancing the economy based on Islamic principles in Indonesia. Especially regarding the aspect of sharia investment based on the teachings of the Qur'an and Hadith. The research conducted is a library research. This study shows that the role of the state in the economy depends on the type of economic system and the economic management system run by the state. Therefore, Islamic economics as a scientific field requires a scientific basis, philosophical basis, methodology, and theory to form its system. knowledge. One of the positive aspects of the development of Islamic economics is sharia investment. This is as previously mentioned, by considering the provisions that may and may not be implemented in the world of investment for the benefit of the world and worldly life. Create your afterlife with the Qur'an, Hadith, Ijmaq and Qiyas. Specifically, the role of government in Islamic investment is to provide profitable regulations, facilitate the development of sharia investment instruments, provide tax incentives and economic infrastructure, ensure supervision by sharia institutions, and improve public relations and enhance international cooperation.
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