Pendampingan Pembuatan Pupuk Kompos dari Enceng Gondok di Desa Kungkai Baru Kabupaten Seluma
DOI: Kunci:
enceng gondok, kelompok wanita tani, pupuk komposAbstrak
This community service was carried out in Kungkai Baru Village, Air
Periukan District, Seluma Regency. The material for this activity is the use of
water hyacinth as a handicraft, where water hyacinth can be used for animal
feed, handicrafts and compost which has a high economic value. The target of
this service is the Segara Tani Women Farmers Group (KWT) in Kungkai Baru
Village.The benefits of community service activities (1) Increase the knowledge
and skills of members of the women's farmer group in Kungkai Baru Village in
the use of water hyacinth (2) Increase the insight of the women members of the
women's farmer group to open home industry business opportunities in making
compost from water hyacinth.The results of this community service activity
include (1) women members of women's groups in Kungkai Baru village are very
enthusiastic in participating in all stages of this service activity (2) Increased
knowledge and skills of women members of women's farmer groups in the use of
water hyacinth (3) opening up the insights and thoughts of women members of
farmer groups about the benefits of water hyacinth as a new business
Anonim, gondok/by Phi Radio | May 15, 2020 | Ide Kreatif, Motivasi, News, Pendidikan
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