Meningkatkan Motivasi menjadi Mahasiswa yang berprestasi di Masa Pandemi


  • Wita Hariani Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Pagar Alam
  • Lesi anggraini Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Pagar Alam


Kata Kunci:

Motivasi berprestasi, Keberhasilan akademik, Mahasiswa


Achievement motivation is the driving force to achieve the highest
level of learning achievement for the sake of hope for himself.Achievement
motivation is influenced by two internal and external factors.The stages carried
out in this activity are new students gathered in the hall, then the presenters
explain the material and discuss with students at the end of the material delivery,
a discussion is held on how to build students so that they excel in this
pandemic.In memorizing students, it is very important that the steps to be taken
are first instilled in students, don't be afraid to compete, the two students must
have broad connections regardless of ethnicity, religion, class and race, the
three students must have clear goals


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Depdiknas, 2003.http:www.depdiknas.htm

Rivai, M. 2000. Faktor-faktor mempengaruhi prestasi belajar mahasiswa



Cara Mengutip

Wita Hariani, & Lesi anggraini. (2022). Meningkatkan Motivasi menjadi Mahasiswa yang berprestasi di Masa Pandemi. JURNAL ABDIMAS SERAWAI, 2(1), 31–35.
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