
  • Saddam Hasri Program Magister Imu Hukum, Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Riau




pengadaan alat Kesehatan, asas kebebasan berkontrak


Kontrak Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa merupakan perjanjian yang kompleks karena mengatur banyak aspek baik secara legal maupun teknis tentang proses pengadaan barang dan jasa, yang membutuhkan kajian lebih lanjut guna ditemukannya format kontrak perjanjian pengadaan barang dan jasa yang ideal sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan mampu memberikan perlindungan dan kepastian hukum bagi para pihak yang membuatnya. Tulisan ini membahas mengenai kontrak pengadaan alat kesehatan dengan berdasarkan asas kebebasan berkontrak di RSUD Mandau. Metode penelitian adalah penelitian hukum normatif kajian tentang asas hukum, peneliti mengumpulkan data yang terdiri dari data primer, sekunder dan tersier. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara dan kajian kepustakaan. Analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif serta menarik kesimpulan penulis menggunakan metode berfikir deduktif.
Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pelaksanaan pengadaan alat-alat kesehatan dengan berdasarkan asas kebebasan berkontrak di RSUD Mandau belum terlaksana sesuai dengan prosedur yang sudah diatur dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 16 tahun 2018 yakni Prosedur E-purchasing, syarat dan ketentuan penggunaan pada aplikasi E-purchasing dan panduan pengguna (user guide) aplikasi E-purchasing ditetapkan oleh Deputi Bidang Monitoring Evaluasi dan Pengembangan Sistem Informasi LKPP. Prosedur E-purchasing meliputi: PPK/Pejabat Pengadaan melakukan pemesanan barang/jasa pada katalog elektronik, calon Penyedia menanggapi pesanan dari PPK/Pejabat Pengadaan, PPK/Pejabat Pengadaan dan calon Penyedia dapat melakukan negosiasi teknis dan harga, kecuali untuk barang/jasa yang tidak dapat dinegosiasikan. Sementara prosedur pengadaan alat-alat kesehatan di RSUD Mandau tidak ada negosiasi, perjanjian tidak dibuat oleh kedua belah pihak dan perjanjian pengadaan alat-alat kesehatan di RSUD Mandau merupakan perjanjian baku artinya perjanjian tersebut sudah dibuat terlebih dahulu oleh pemerintah dan pihak rumah sakit hanya tinggal melaksanakan perjanjian tersebut. Idealnya kontrak pengadaan alat-alat kesehatan dilaksanakan sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, Selain itu perjanjian tidak lagi dibuat oleh pemerintah terkait agar mencegah munculnya perjanjian baku dan mendorong terlaksananya asas kebebasan berkontrak, sehingga terjadi negosiasi dalam pelaksanaan kontrak pengadaan alat-alat kesehatan di RSUD Mandau. Saran penulis pengadaan alat kesehatan harus menerapkan asas kebebasan berkontrak, adil, tidak memihak dan obyektif dalam pelaksanaanya.
Kata kunci: pengadaan alat Kesehatan; asas kebebasan berkontrak.

Goods and Services Procurement Contracts are complex agreements because they regulate many aspects both legally and technically about the process of procurement of goods and services, which require further study in order to find the ideal contract format for the procurement of goods and services according to needs and be able to provide protection and certainty the law for those who made it. This paper discusses contracts for the procurement of medical devices based on the principle of freedom of contract in Mandau Regional Hospital. The research method is a normative legal research study of legal principles, researchers collect data consisting of primary, secondary and tertiary data. Data collection techniques, namely interviews and literature review. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively and drawing conclusions from the author using deductive thinking methods.
The conclusion of this research is that the implementation of procurement of medical devices based on the principle of freedom of contract at Mandau Regional Hospital has not been carried out in accordance with the procedures set out in Presidential Regulation No. 16 of 2018 namely the E-purchasing Procedure, the terms and conditions of use in the E-purchasing application and the E-purchasing application user guide are determined by the Deputy for Monitoring and Evaluation and Development of the LKPP Information System. E-purchasing procedures include: PPK / Procurement Officers place orders for goods / services in an electronic catalog, prospective Providers respond to orders from PPK / Procurement Officers, PPK / Procurement Officers and prospective Providers can carry out technical and price negotiations, except for goods / services that are not can be negotiated. While the procedures for the procurement of medical equipment in Mandau Regional Hospital are not negotiated, the agreement is not made by both parties and the agreement for the procurement of medical devices in the Mandau Regional Hospital is a standard agreement meaning that the agreement was made in advance by the government and the hospital only has to carry out the agreement. Ideally, medical equipment procurement contracts are carried out in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. In addition, agreements are no longer made by the relevant government in order to prevent the emergence of standard agreements and encourage the implementation of the principle of freedom of contract, so that negotiations occur in the implementation of health equipment procurement contracts in Mandau Hospital. The advice of the author of the procurement of medical devices must apply the principle of freedom of contract, fairness, impartiality and objectivity in its implementation.
Keywords: procurement of medical devices; freedom of contract principle.



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