Studi Fenomologi Kasus Ketidakikutsertaan Ibu Rumah Tangga Dalam Vaksinasi Covid-19
A Phemonological Study of the Involvement of Housewives in the Covid-19 Vaccination
Vaccine Exclusion, Covid-19Abstract
The Kuala Lempuing Health Center in Bengkulu City is the 2nd lowest following the Covid-19 vaccination. The purpose of this study was to find out the reasons for the absence of housewives in carrying out the Covid-19 vaccine. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive approach, by conducting in-depth interviews using interview guidelines to 4 informants, namely housewives in the Kuala Lemrubuk Health Center area. side effects such as nausea, dizziness, weakness, and aches, vaccine safety, and housewives' worries because they are afraid of getting weak, housewives against vaccines. It is hoped that the Kuala Lempuing Health Center will be able to improve and be able to provide knowledge education and also provide education to the entire community so that people better understand the covid-19 vaccine.
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