This study plans to decide the impact of Brand Equity, Brand Trust and Brand Preference on Three Second Customer Loyalty at Bencoolen Indah Mall Bengkulu. The populace utilized in this examination is Three Second Customers at Bencoolen Indah Mall Bengkulu. the quantity of tests utilized upwards of 75 respondents. The information that has been gathered is handled utilizing the Classical Assumption Test Technique, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Technique, Coefficient of Determination Analysis (R2), and Partial Test (t-test), Simultaneous Test (F-test).The consequences of this study show that somewhat the Brand Equity variable fundamentally affects the Customer Loyalty variable, Brand Trust essentially affects the Customer Loyalty variable and Brand Preference altogether affects the Customer Loyalty variable. While the f Brand Equity Test, Brand Trust and Brand Preference impact Three Second Customer Loyalty at Bencoolen Indah Mall Bengkulu. As well as having a relapse condition together, the Brand Equity, Brand Trust and Brand Preference factors add to impacting Three Second Customer Loyalty at Bencoolen Indah Mall Bengkulu. Also, the most predominant element with the biggest relapse coefficient esteem is the Brand Trust variable.
Keywords: Brand Equity, Brand Trust, Brand Preference and Customer Loyalty.
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