
  • Gempita Widodo Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu
  • Khairul Bahrun Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu




The development of technology is utilized by various sectors in facilitating the work process. One of the phenomena in society is the use of social media as a media for promotion or marketing. One of the business actors in Bengkulu who uses this technique is the Dizla Land Hijab Store Store. With  15,000 Instagram followers, the store often promotes the latest products through its social media.. This research was conducted in June 2022, at the Dizla Land Hijab Store Bengkulu store, the object of this research is the Instagram social media followers of the Dizla Land Hijab Store store. With quantitative descriptive methods and sampling in research. With the random sampling method, the sample taken amounted to 92 respondents which was calculated using the Slovin formula. And the effectiveness analysis used in this study is the AISAS method. From the results of research that has been carried out, the level of Effectiveness of Online Marketing Based on Social Media at the Dizla Land Hijab Store Bengkulu Store is 82.04% or categorized as very effective. The attention dimension has an effectiveness value of 75.3% in the effective category, the Interest dimension has an effectiveness value of 80.3% in the Very effective category, the Search dimension has an effectiveness value of 84.61% in the Very effective category, the action dimension has an effectiveness value. of 91.3% in the Very effective category and the Share dimension has an effectiveness value of 78.4%. in the effective category.

Keyword: social media, marketing, Effectiveness


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