This study aims to analyze the influence of tourist expectations, tour quality, tourist motivation, and tourist satisfaction on positive word of mouth in tourist destinations in Indonesia, with a minimum of three visits in the last six months. The data were collected from 330 respondents using the purposive sampling technique. The primary data were gathered through an online questionnaire distributed via Google Forms. The data analysis model used in this study is Jeffrey’s Amazing Statistics Program (JASP). The results of this study indicate that tourist expectations significantly and positively affect tour quality, while tourist motivation does not have a positive effect on tour quality. Furthermore, tour quality positively influences tourist satisfaction, and tourist satisfaction positively affects positive word of mouth. The managerial implications of this study suggest that tourist destinations can increase the number of visits by enhancing their attractions and visitor numbers. Additionally, tourism managers should focus more on improving tourist satisfaction to provide a consistent and high-quality experience, ultimately encouraging tourists to recommend the destination to others.
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