This study aimed to measure the level of consumer buying interest in buying products at Muslim retailers TokoMu and Suryamart. There are a lot of retail establishments in Indonesia, however some of them contain Islamic characteristics that Islamic institutions or organizations have contributed. The emphasis on Islamic retailing is particularly relevant in today's diverse marketplace, highlighting the growth of businesses catering to Islamic principles and consumer needs. This study employs a qualitative methodology that is concerned with investigating a phenomenon, attempting to create reality, and comprehending the significance of a phenomenon. Ten informants consisting of non-Muslims and Muslims purposively were selected. The study reveals that consumer buying interest in Muslim retail outlets, such as TokoMu and Suryamart, is influenced by various attributes that resonate with both Muslim and non-Muslim consumers, include perceptions of halal products, store atmosphere, service quality, halal certification awareness, price competitiveness, product variety, promotion and visibility.
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