This study aims to determine the influence of net income, operating cash flow, investment opportunities, debt policy, and asset growth on the dividend policy of Food and Beverage companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2019-2021.
The population in this study consists of Food and Beverage companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the period of 2019-2021. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Based on the established criteria, 17 companies were selected, with a sample size of 51 out of 72 populations. The type of data used is secondary data obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange website. The analytical method employed is multiple linear regression analysis.
The results of the study indicate that the Net Income variable has a significant influence on dividend policy, while Operating Cash Flow, Investment Opportunities, Debt Policy, and Asset Growth do not have a significant influence on dividend policy. Additionally, the five variables together do not have a significant influence on dividend policy
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