
  • Fitri Syakinah Universitas Garut
  • Irfan Rizki Gumilar
  • Reny Dany Merliyana



The rapid development of digital technology has driven the rapid growth of e-commerce. Millennials, as a generation that is very familiar with technology, have become the primary target for e-commerce businesses. This research aims to determine the factors that influence users in using e-commerce for transactions. The research model used is the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) with independent variables: performance expectations, effort expectancy, and social influence. This research method is a quantitative method using a questionnaire distributed via social media. This research sample consisted of 108 respondents. The data analysis used is Smart PLS. The results of this study show that effort expectancy has no positive effect on behavioral intentions, whereas performance expectancy and social influence have a positive effect on the behavioral intentions of the millennial generation in using e-commerce services. The contribution in this research provides a significant contribution in understanding the factors that influence the use of e-commerce among the millennial generation. It is hoped that the results of this research can help e-commerce developers, marketers, and policymakers in designing more effective strategies to increase the adoption and use of e-commerce among millennials.


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