Analisis Internal Matrik (IM) dan Eksternal Matrik (EM) pada Usaha Kuping Gajah Arema Dwi Putri di Dusun 1 Desa Pekik Nyaring Bengkulu Tengah


  • Nurzam Nurzam Universitas Dehasen
  • Usi Anggesti Univesitas Dehasen





This aims of this study is to find out the analysis of Internal Matrix (IM) and External Matrix (EM) of on business of Kuping Gajah Arema Dwi Putri at Dusun 1 Pekik Nyaring Village of Central Bengkulu. The method of data collection in this research is using a questionnaire by giving written questions to the respondent. The number of respondents in this study were 57 respondents. The analytical method used is an external internal matrix. From the calculation of internal and external strategy factors, the total internal strategy factor score of 2.75 was obtained and the total external strategy factor score of 2.82 from the results on business of Kuping Gajah Arema Dwi Putri at Dusun 1 Pekik Nyaring Village of Central Bengkulu was located in the cell V by using concentration growth strategies through horizontal integration or stability. The strategy of concentration growth through horizontal integration or stability is a strategy that carries out growth by adding business fields or maintaining its current business position by becoming a temporary audience to see the possibilities that will occur.


Keywords: Marketing Strategy, Internal-External Matrix Analysis



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