Journal Scientia Iustitiae 2024-07-22T12:30:39+00:00 Sinung Mufti Hangabei Open Journal Systems <p class="western" lang="id-ID" align="justify">Journal Scientia Iustitiae is a national journal of law that is issued by the University of Muhammadiyah Bengkulu's Law Study Program. The Scientia Iustitiae journal publishes theoretical and empirical research targeted at improving the comprehension and application of Indonesian law in order to advance legal knowledge in both theory and practice. This journal gives top priority to publishing scholarly papers on common law, criminal law, civil and commercial law, legal reform, international law, and constitutional law in the context of bettering the development, renewal, and advancement of Indonesian law. Google Scholar, Garuda, and Crossref have all included the Journal Scientia Iustitiae in their indexes. Reputable e-sources will continue to be indexed by the Scientia Iustitiae Journal.</p> <table cellpadding="2"> <tbody align="top"> <tr> <td width="135"> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>ISSN</td> <td><strong>: 2988-1080 (online)</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Editor in Chief<strong> </strong></td> <td><strong>: Sinung Mufti Hangabei (Scopus ID: <a href="">57223145087</a>)</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"> </td> <td> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> NOTARY SELF-ACTUALIZATION AND PROMOTION IN SOCIAL MEDIA 2024-05-01T11:58:33+00:00 Akhmad Sinung Mufti Hangabei <p>The era of digitalization encourages people to use social media for self-socialization, including notaries. Notaries' Code of Ethics prohibits notaries from using social media for promotion or advertising. Ethicsprofessionis the overall moral provisions contained in a profession, professional ethics examines the problems that occur in practice&nbsp;because have not quite enough answers and rights which contained profession,&nbsp;professional ethics&nbsp;is part of the expression in the form of effort to translate circumstances which have certainty. Using&nbsp;normative legal research methods,&nbsp;it has been established that self-actualization is the process of becoming oneself and developing one's own psychological potential.&nbsp;Philosophically the limitations of the code of ethics are to maintain the morality of notaries as public officials, the code of ethics is part of the moral norms, and the code of&nbsp;ethics functions to guard the morality of law bearers who have broad authority</p> 2024-05-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Scientia Iustitiae RESOLUTION OF EMPLOYMENT TERMINATION DISPUTES THROUGH THE MANPOWER AND TRANSMIGRATION OFFICE OF BENGKULU PROVINCE 2024-05-01T12:06:41+00:00 Novran Harisa <p>Research objectives: (1). To find out and analyze the factors that cause employment termination disputes through the Manpower and Transmigration Service of Bengkulu Province. (2) To find out and analyze the implementation of employment termination dispute resolution through the Manpower and Transmigration Service of Bengkulu Province. This research method uses empirical legal research. This empirical legal research method uses a research approach with a non-doctrinal approach. The research results show that: (1). The factors that cause employment termination disputes through the Manpower and Transmigration Service of Bengkulu Province are; The employee does not work according to the work agreement and company regulations, the efficiency of employee reduction, the employee resigns based on personal wishes, and the job is without a work agreement letter/only a verbal work agreement, and the worker receives wages below the Provincial Minimum Wage or Regency/City Minimum Wage provisions, there is a difference in wages. (2) The implementation of dispute resolution regarding termination of employment through the Manpower and Transmigration Service of Bengkulu Province goes through several stages, namely, the first stage is carried out by conducting bipartite negotiations carried out by both parties, namely the entrepreneur/employer with the worker/laborer or trade/labor union. by deliberation to reach consensus and must be completed no later than 30 days from the start date of negotiations. The second stage or next step that needs to be taken is to carry out tripartite negotiations, namely carrying out negotiations with the help of a third party (Bengkulu Province Manpower and Transmigration Service) to resolve the issue of termination of employment.</p> 2024-05-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Scientia Iustitiae DEVELOPMENT OF CHILD CONVICTS PERPETRATING THE CRIME OF SEXUAL INTERCOURSE 2024-05-16T03:23:14+00:00 Era Fadila Zuriani Rangga Jayanuarto Hendi Sastra Putra Hendri Padmi <p>Children who are in conflict with the law and have received a guilty verdict by a judge will then undergo guidance at the Special Children's Development Institute or LPKA for short. This also includes children who are in conflict with the law in cases of sexual intercourse or molestation. This study focuses on how to provide guidance and the role of LPKA Class II A of Bengkulu City in providing guidance to assisted children who have been found guilty of immoral cases. The research method uses empirical. By conducting Focus Group Discussions involving assisted children and LPKA officers. Based on the research results, data was obtained that there is no special approach or guidance regarding assisted children who are involved in immorality. Guidance is carried out in the same way as children in other cases through personality development and independence through various positive activities.</p> 2024-05-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Scientia Iustitiae CRIMINOLOGICAL REVIEW OF THE PERPETRATORS OF THE CRIMINAL ACT OF FALSE TESTIMONY 2024-05-20T04:13:11+00:00 Frengki Andika Hendi Sastra Putra Betra Sarianti Riri Tri Mayasari <p>The science of law in general and its practice often raises problems relating to the existence of the rule of law and the effectiveness of the rule of law by highlighting the effectiveness of the law to be achieved. This reason prompted the researcher to compile the final project with the title: "Review of Criminology of Perpetrators of False Statements (Case Studies at the Rejang Lebong Resort Police)." at the Rejang Lebong Resort Police). 2) What are the factors causing the perpetrators of the crime of committing false statements (a case study at the Rejang Lebong Resort Police). The approach used in this study is the type of research used by researchers is empirical juridical research that is descriptive in nature. Legal research is descriptive in nature, which is research that describes the characteristics of individuals, circumstances, symptoms or groups. Data obtained directly from the results of field studies by conducting interviews with sources and legal materials that researchers obtain. Based on the results of the research and discussion of the issues discussed, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1) Members of the Padang Ulak Tanding Police have been examined and questioned in connection with the criminal act that committed, ordered to commit, and participated in the above false statement. oath as referred to in Article 242 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) to 1 of the Criminal Code. 2) Economic factors The suspect received money from the result of a false statement amounting to Rp. 25,000,000 (twenty-five million rupiah). Environmental factors where the environment around a person can cause that person to meet different people, so it is association that will determine whether a human behaves well or badly.</p> 2024-05-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Scientia Iustitiae LAW AND POLICY RECOGNITION AND PROTECTION OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES RIGHT IN INDONESIA 2024-07-22T12:10:55+00:00 Fahmi Arisandi J.T. Pareke <p>This article will describe Indigenous People’s as legal subjects whose existence has been recognized by the constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in Article 18 B paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution, which clearly states that "The State recognizes and respects the units of Indigenous Law Communities and their rights." traditional as long as it is still alive and in accordance with the development of society and the principles of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, which are regulated in the Law"; Apart from that, recognition and protection for Indigenous People’s and their traditional rights should be realized. This is also clearly regulated in Article 28 I of the 1945 Constitution. Even though the existence of culture has always been shown, Indigenous Peoples are still struggling to pass legislation which specifically regulates the recognition and protection of the rights of indigenous peoples through the draft act of indigenous people’s right have not yet fulfilled in Indonesia.</p> 2024-07-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Scientia Iustitiae