Recognition And Protection of Indigenous Peoples in Seluma Regency


  • Fahmi Arisandi Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu
  • J.T. Pareke Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu



Recognition, Protection, Indigineous People


Regions become an important arena in recognizing the rights of indigenous peoples. The authority of regions to recognize indigenous peoples has strengthened along with the decentralization that was rolled out after the New Order regime through Law Number 22 of 1999 concerning Regional Government. The spirit of regional autonomy is in line with the hopes of indigenous peoples throughout the archipelago to once again voice the importance of recognizing the rights of indigenous peoples who for a long time have experienced various denials of their identity as part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. In such an atmosphere, the government responded to the demands of indigenous legal communities by giving authority to regional governments to determine the existence and rights of indigenous peoples. The research method used in this journal is a literature review method and uses a normative juridical and qualitative approach. This literature research method is used to examine the political protection of the formation of laws and regulations for Indigenous People’s by exploring concepts, regulations and implementation through relevant materials. A normative juridical approach is used to analyze legal aspect, while a qualitative approach is used to analyze the views and perceptions regarding the recognition and protection of indigenous people’s rights in Seluma Regency. Post-reform, the recognition and protection of indigenous peoples has undergone political and legal changes, both in terms of laws and constitutional court decisions. These changes delegate authority to local governments to recognize and protect indigenous peoples. In line with these political and legal changes, the Seluma Regency Government has issued Regional Regulation Number 3 of 2022 concerning Procedures for Recognition and Protection of Indigenous Peoples in Seluma Regency and in September 2024 based on recommendations from the Indigenous Peoples Committee, the Regent of Seluma Regency has issued a Decree concerning the Determination of Recognition and Protection of the Indigenous Communities of Serawai Pasar Seluma, Arang Sapat, Napal Jungur, Lubuk Lagan, and Semidang Sakti Pering Baru.






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