Legal Analysis of Suspect Determination and Asset Recovery in PIID-PEL Corruption Case, Sukau Kayo Village, Lebong, 2019


  • Ikhram Nur Azan Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu
  • Mikho Ardinata Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu
  • Ahmad Dasan Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu
  • Desy Ervitasari Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu



The process of investigating the corruption case of the Village Innovation Incubation Pilot-Local Economic Development (Program Pilot Inkubasi Inovasi Desa Pengembangan Ekonomi Lokal - PIID-PEL) in Sukau Kayo Village for the 2019 Fiscal Year has named three suspects and confiscated IDR 71,000,000 in cash (seventy-one million rupiah). The aims of this research are: (1). To understand the process of evaluating evidence to identify suspects in Corruption Crime cases, and (2). To find out how Lebong Police Criminal Investigation Unit Corruption Unit investigators make efforts to return assets for criminal acts of corruption (Asset Recovery) during investigations of Corruption Crimes in PIID-PEL Kemendes PDTT RI activities in Kec. Upper Lebong District. Lebong Fiscal Year of 2019. This type of research is empirical research. By using qualitative methods. Data collection was carried out by in-depth interviews and secondary data collection. The results of this research show: (1) The process of assessing evidence to determine a suspect in this case is by the Investigator and Assistant Investigator assessing 4 (four) pieces of evidence in the form of witness statements, expert statements, letters, and suspect statements, which are based on the results of the assessment. This indicates a legal subject that is suspect and strongly suspected of committing a criminal act of corruption (2) The way investigators from the Corruption Unit of the Lebong Police Criminal Investigation Unit make efforts to return the assets of criminal acts of corruption (Asset Recovery) at the investigation stage is by carrying out asset tracking. (asset tracing) where the results of the investigator's asset tracking activities obtain information about the flow of money and the investigator makes confiscation efforts.






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