PROSIDING FEB <p>Deskripsi nya <br /><br /></p> en-US (Prosiding) (Mey) Sun, 28 Jul 2024 15:32:15 +0800 OJS 60 ANALISIS STRATEGI PEMASARAN DALAM UPAYA PENINGKATAN DAYA SAING PADA PT. ES TEH INDONESIA CABANG LINGKAR BARAT KOTA BENGKULU <p>This research is a research to analyze marketing strategy. This study aims to analyze marketing strategies in an effort to increase competitiveness at PT. Ice Tea in Indonesia, especially in the West Circle branch of Bengkulu City. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method that is oriented towards the development of a product. Collection of data instruments by collecting data, direct observation to the location, and interviews. The strategy for marketing iced tea is offline and online, offline can directly come to a location in the West Circle of Bengkulu City, while online has collaborated with several applications such as food drivers, Gojek, maxim food. From the results of this study it was found that the marketing strategy of PT. Iced tea in the West Circle of Bengkulu City has been able to increase competitiveness, namely in terms of product quality, marketing methods, innovation in flavor variants, as well as in the utilization of promotional media such as Instagram and Facebook. however, in this study the authors realized that there were still many shortcomings due to time and place limitations in conducting research. The benefits that can be taken in this research are that it can make a reference and reference for subsequent research so that it is more focused and can help companies make a decision in developing a product marketing strategy.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Marketing Strategy, Increasing Competitiveness, Iced Tea</p> Anggi Josetio Prayoga Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING FEB Sun, 28 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 ANALISIS EFISIENSI REWARD DAN PUNISHMENT TERHADAP DISIPLIN KERJA KARYAWAN PADA POS PT TUNAS DWIPA MATRA KOTA BENGKULU <p>This study aims to analyze the efficiency of Reward and Punishment carried out at POS PT. Tunas Dwipa Matra Bengkulu in an effort to improve employee discipline at PT. Bengkulu Dwipa Matra Shoots. By analyzing the Strengths, Weaknesses, opportunities and threats that the company has. The researcher uses a qualitative approach to the S.W.O.T analysis method. The results of the study show that reward and punishment for employee work discipline at POS PT. Tunas Dwipa Matra Bengkulu is very efficient even though there are still weaknesses and threats from both internal and external but the company can minimize this and is able to improve employee discipline. that after implementing Reward and Punishment for employees at POS PT. The Dwipa Matra of Discipline that was not good before is good so that the company's image becomes even better and the company is able to achieve its goals effectively and efficiently.</p> Widia Pemata Sari, Mayzeta Okly Dwi Putri, Ravy Nuryadiansyah, Ratnawili Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING FEB Mon, 29 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 STRATEGI PEMASARAN DALAM MENINGKATKAN HASIL JUAL BELI MENGGUNAKAN ANALISIS SWOT PADA PRODUK SABUN CUCI PIRING PT. SINAR RAFLESIA SELATAN <p>Research with the title Marketing Strategy of PT. Sinar Raflesia Selatan in increasing the results of buying and selling dish soap in Bengkulu City.&nbsp; The purpose of this study is to find out the marketing strategy carried out by PT. Sinar Raflesia Selatan in increasing the sale and purchase of dish soap. The marketing strategy is carried out in increasing the sales results of dish soap products and maintaining its existence in the face of business competition in Bengkulu City. Research uses a qualitative approach, namely research obtained from the field directly by collecting facts that are in accordance with the field, the instruments used in the research are interviews, observations and speakers. The timing of this study starts from November 2022. The results of this study are PT. Sinar Raflesia Selatan still uses traditional marketing strategies for the people of Bengkulu city</p> Delyalni Marta Kentari, Rian Nespia, Liza Febriani, Mimi Kurnia Nengsih Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING FEB Mon, 29 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 ANALISIS STRATEGI PEMASARAN MELALUI MEDIA SOSIAL UNTUK MENINGKATKAN FRANCHISE YANG MENYEDIAKAN OUTLET PENJUALAN PRODUK NASGOR PT. MAK ETEK GROUP MELALUI FRANCHISE DI BENGKULU <p>This research has an overview of how the Analysis of Marketing Communication Strategy Through Social Media to increase Franchise which provides sales outlets for NasGor OT.MAK ETEK GROUP Products in Bengkulu where this aspect increases from all sectors, namely, economic improvement, increased quantity and stable quality of the Culinary Market alone and the number of customers. Therefore Franchise, which provides Nasgor outlets which are promoted through social media, will greatly support the marketing strategy. This research is to find out the Analysis of Marketing Strategy Through Social Media to increase Franchise which provides sales outlets for NasGor Products PT.MAK ETEK GROUP Bengkulu. The researcher draws the conclusion that the company's success is determined by several supporting factors owned by the company. PT.Mak Etek Group has carried out its marketing communication techniques with effective results. With marketing promotions (promotions) that follow the sophisticated era through Instagram features assisted through acquaintances of the owner of PT.Mak Etek Group in carrying out their promotions on Instagram media with aesthetic photo videos, quality human resources, adequate facilities and capital, these are some of the determining factors for success. in general. But there are other factors that play a role in the company's success, namely Marketing Strategy. The marketing strategy of a company also has an important role in the development and success of a company or organization in selling its products.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Marketing Strategy, Social Media, NasGor</p> Yogi Kusnaidi, Gilang Ratnasari, Dilla Putri Syavira, Hafi Izha Mahendra Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING FEB Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0800 IMPLEMENTASI FUNGSI MANAJEMEN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA PADA PT. PRIMA CIPTA SEKAWAN <p>This study aims to implement the functions of HR management at PT. Prima Cipta Sekawan. This study uses a method to investigate and identify the implementation of the HR function through interviews. Collection of data instruments by collecting data, direct observation to the location, and interviews. The results of this study, that PT. Prima Cipta Sekawan has applied HR management theory to his company. The results of the analysis show that the implementation of the HR management function has determined success through its design, organizational structure, selection of training and development of HR management, awards and monitoring of implementation.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: implementation, function, HR management</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Mifta Humairah, Marliza Ade Fitri, Andre Afrianda, Andika M Saputra, Eric Fernando Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING FEB Fri, 16 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0800 STRATEGI PEMASARAN DALAM MENINGKATKAN VOLUME PENJUALAN “INDUSTRI TAHU SUMBER MULYA” <p>Sumber Mulya Tofu Industry is a home industry that produces tofu such as white tofu, yellow tofu and fried tofu. Sumber Mulya Tofu Industry Business is located in Jl. Merapi 13 No. 14, Kebun Tebeng, Kec. Queen Agung, Bengkulu City. The purpose of this research is to determine a good strategy to improve marketing strategy in order to increase sales volume. This research is a qualitative research conducted in the household (home industry) of Mr. Dedi Kurniawan using a qualitative approach which produces descriptive data with the main informant, namely Mr. Dedi Kurniawan as one of the owners of the tofu industry in Bengkulu City. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that Mr. Dedi Kurniawan's tofu industry marketed its products using the marketing mix strategy, namely 4P (product, price, place and promotion).</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Marketing Strategy, Increasing Sales Volume</p> Nadea Apriliani, Tari Kencana, Yayuk Gina Andrea, Ahmad Taufik, Novherliyanto Saputra, Tezar Arianto Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING FEB Fri, 16 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0800 STRATEGI PEMASARAN KLINIK WCB SKINCARE DAN SPA BENGKULU <p>The research with the title WCB Skincare and SPA Clinic Marketing Strategy in Bengkulu Province has the aim of knowing the marketing strategy carried out by the WCB Skincare and SPA clinics in order to maintain their existence in the face of business competition in Bengkulu City. The research uses a qualitative approach with, then the researcher uses interviews, observations and resource persons. The timing of this study starts from November 2022. The results of this study are that WCB Skincare and SPA clinics use marketing strategies by utilizing promotional mix, advertising, brand image, consumer behavior, and consumer motivation. Then the marketing price can also interest buyers and correspond to the quality possessed by the product.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong> : Strategy,Marketing, WCB skincare and SPA</p> Dyah Parmitha Pertiwi, Khairul Bahrun, Randi Randi, Kristi Indiramani, Rini Oktavia, Yusan Feri Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING FEB Fri, 16 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0800 STRATEGI PEMASARAN KOPI LOKAL BENGKULU : MENGGUNAKAN SWOT (STUDI KASUS : KOPI 1001) <p>Ground coffee industry is an industry with a high level of competition. This can be seen from the increasing variety of ground coffee products on the market. Therefore it is important for companies to focus on how to satisfy consumers. One effort that can be done is to conduct research on ground coffee marketing strategies. This study aims to determine the strategy and positioning of the 1001 coffee brand and understand the market. The analysis used is SWOT analysis. The results obtained, namely the results of the SWOT analysis, it is known that the main strategy for coffee 1001 is a growth strategy where coffee 1001 can increase sales with the superiority of its products and the use of better promotions. The analysis that has been carried out shows that coffee 1001 Bengkulu City is in a star position, namely being in a market share and high market growth. In this position, Kopi 1001 can implement a retrenchment strategy so that the business can survive in the face of competition from similar products. While the results of the benchmarking analysis show that the 1001 coffee product has a distinctive Robusta coffee taste and is safe for consumption, product innovation is necessary to maintain the coffee's characteristics.</p> Widi Ratna sari, Ghaefira Nur Fatimah, Tria Esti Kurnia, Ari Yunita, Onsardi Onsardi Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING FEB Fri, 16 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0800 PERAN PERSONALIA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KINERJA ADMIN DALAM MEMBERIKAN PELAYANAN TERHADAP KONSUMEN (PADA PT. ES BAGUS KOTA BENGKULU) <p>This study aims to determine the role of personnel to improve admin performance in providing services to consumers of PT. Good Ice Bengkulu City. Researchers used qualitative research with a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection was carried out using observation, interviews and documentation. Informants in this study were employees of PT. Es Bagus Bengkulu City which consists of Ka. Finance. Cashier, Ka. Production, Head of Warehouse and Personnel. The results of this study can be concluded that the role played by personnel managers in improving admin performance is in accordance with various functions of management including planning, organizing and dismissal. For training, the company has not been able to carry out independent training. From its inception until now PT. Es Bagus Bengkulu City does not make it directly but uses tools/machines to produce this ice. That way the number of employees working at PT. Es Bagus Bengkulu City only has 16 employees. Implementation of management functions as well as possible in managing employees and facilitating the realization of organizational goals and success.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Role, Personnel Manager, Consumer</p> Fitria Asyifa, Yulius Wahyu Setiadi, Nabillah Garnida, Suganda Firas Pratama, Fingki Ardiansa, Ade Kurniawan Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING FEB Fri, 16 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0800 PENGARUH MANAJEMEN TALENTA DAN MANAJEMEN PENGETAHUAN TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PADA BANK BENGKULU <p>This study aims to determine the effect of talent management and knowledge management on employee performance either partially or simultaneously. The population in this study were 216 people and the sample was 110 people using the proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The technique of collecting data through questionnaires with the Likert scale method and statistically processed using path analysis, hypothesis testing t test and f test, and the coefficient of determination through SPSS 25 software. Based on data analysis, the path analysis equation is obtained, namely Y = 7,912 + 0,437 X1 + 0,352 X2 + Ԑ. Furthermore, the R2 value of 0.501 is obtained, which explains that X1 and X2 have an influence on Y by 50.1% while the remaining 49.9% is explained by other variables not examined. Furthermore, the research results explain that the accepted hypothesis is that talent management and knowledge management together have a positive effect on the performance of employees of Graha Bank Bengkulu</p> Raihan, Juni Setiawati, Armada Armada, Tubagus Muhammad Sholeh, Ananda Zania Putri, Tezar Arianto Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING FEB Fri, 16 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0800 STRATEGI PEMASARAN BAGI PROGRAM GADAI EMAS DAN CICIL EMAS SYARIAH DALAM UPAYA MENINGKATKAN PORTOFOLIO PEMBIAYAAN BSI KC ADAM MALIK BENGKULU <p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan metode pemasaran yang efektif untuk program gadai emas dan cicil emas syariah. Tujuannya adalah untuk meningkatkan portofolio pembiayaan Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) dengan mengoptimalkan kedua produk tersebut. Data primer dan sekunder penelitian ini berasal dari laporan keuangan BSI mengenai kinerja pembiayaan gadai dan cicil emas syariah dan wawancara dengan karyawan dan nasabah perusahaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua produk BSI tersebut sangat diminati masyarakat karena menggunakan skema syariah dan didukung oleh reputasi positif mereka sebagai bank syariah terbesar di Indonesia. Dan meskipun demikian, promosi konvensional seperti brosur dan mulut ke mulut masih menjadi fokus strategi pemasaran BSI untuk kedua produk tersebut tidak ada iklan digital yang dibuat oleh BSI untuk program gadai dan cicil emas syariah. Oleh karena itu, strategi pemasaran yang disarankan mencakup optimalisasi platform digital, pengembangan aplikasi mobile untuk program gadai dan cicil emas syariah, dan membangun kolaborasi dengan pasar emas terkenal. Dengan menerapkan strategi pemasaran yang inovatif ini, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan portofolio pembiayaan BSI dengan menarik pelanggan baru untuk produk gadai dan cicil emas syariah.<br>Kata kunci : strategi pemasaran, gadai emas syariah, cicil emas syariah, Bank Syariah Indonesia</p> Andi Chandra, Faldi Cesarian Putra, Lena Nofrianti, Iqbal Hanifun, Prawesti Prawesti, Tegar Nugroho, Wanda Setiawan, Taufik Bustami Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING FEB Fri, 16 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0800 STRATEGI PENERAPAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI DAN KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI DI PT. BRINGIN GIGANTARA <p>This research aims to explore the strategy of implementing information technology (IT) and knowledge management on employee performance at PT Bringin Gigantara using a qualitative approach. This research focuses on an in-depth understanding of how IT and Knowledge Management implementation strategies can affect various aspects of employee performance. The research method used is a qualitative approach, which involves in-depth interviews with company management, and representatives from various levels of employees. In addition, field observations and document analysis were also conducted to understand the organizational context, IT implementation, and knowledge management practices at PT Bringin Gigantara. The results showed that a good IT implementation strategy, such as an integrated information system, can provide significant support to employee performance. Likewise, knowledge management practices, such as knowledge sharing policies and continuous training, play a key role in skill development and improving individual and team performance.<br>This research provides in-depth insights into how companies can effectively design and implement IT and knowledge management strategies to improve employee performance. Recommendations are presented for the company, including the expansion of investment in employee training related to IT and knowledge management and the development of policies that support a culture of knowledge sharing throughout the organization. Thus, PT Bringin Gigantara can ensure that the implementation of IT and knowledge management becomes a driver of competitive advantage and sustainable growth.<br>Keywords: Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Employee Performance</p> Nanang sami, Syarul Ramadhan, Davin Gunander, Arfan Alandra, Rifqi Fadhlullah Amesda, Andre Anderson, Islamuddin Islamuddin Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING FEB Fri, 16 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0800 ANALISIS STRATEGI BISNIS PT GENTA LAMPUNG MAKMUR KOTA BENGKULU DALAM MEMPERTAHANKAN POSISI BERSAINGNYA <p>This study aims to analyze the business strategies implemented by PT Genta Lampung Makmur in Bengkulu City in an effort to maintain its competitive position. PT Genta Lampung Makmur is a company engaged in Transportation, and plays an important role in the regional economy.<br>This Method research uses a qualitative approach. The qualitative approach was chosen because it allows researchers to gain an in-depth understanding of the business strategy analysis of PT Genta Lampung Makmur Bengkulu City in maintaining its competitive position. This approach allows for a broader exploration of the experiences and perspectives of relevant stakeholders.<br>The results showed that PT Genta Lampung Makmur has implemented a number of business strategies to maintain its competitive position in Bengkulu City. Aggressive marketing strategy, product diversification, and superior customer service are the main points in their strategy. In addition, effective human resource management and prudent financial policies also contribute to maintaining the company's competitiveness.<br>Keywords: Business Strategy Analysis, Competitive Position.</p> Nopiyen Alpino, Dhea Resta Aristanti, Anugrah Durisa, Nopiyen Alpino, Eti Arini Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING FEB Fri, 16 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0800 ANALISIS STRATEGI PEMASARAN PADA PT. ASURANSI SINARMAS <p>PT Asuransi Sinar Mas, established in 1985 under the initial name Asuransi Loss Sinar Mas Dipta, has grown to become a market leader in the Indonesian insurance industry. With a network of 179 branch offices spread from Sabang to Merauke, the company ensures its presence as a market leader with stable credit grade certifications from institutions such as Fitch Ratings, Kredit Rating Indonesia (KRI), and PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (PEFINDO). With a strong commitment to customer service and digital innovation, Asuransi Sinar Mas not only offers innovative products and services but also expands its positive impact through various Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities and financial education programs. Asuransi Sinar Mas is not only known as a reliable company in paying claims quickly and precisely, but also as an agent of change that is active in encouraging financial literacy in the community. By organizing financial education activities in various regions in Indonesia, the company supports the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Program to increase public understanding of finance. Through initiatives such as Providing free Micro Simas and Dream Piggy Bank Insurance to participants in educational activities, Asuransi Sinar Mas shows its commitment to support the financial growth and welfare of the Indonesian people, making them reliable partners for a developed Indonesia.<br>Keywords : Marketing strategy, insurance, customer</p> Nefrielza Angela Putri, Resa Yestasari, Nova Loviarti, Sri Maryati, Presti Loveani Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING FEB Fri, 16 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0800 ANALISIS STARATEGI DAN KEUNGGULAN BANK MASLAHAT SYARIAH DI KOTA BENGKULU <p>Murabahah financing is the most dominant in Indonesian sharia banking compared to other financial products, and also dominates sharia banks in other countries. This method has become very popular because of the nature of murabahah financing which requires a certain level of profit in accordance with the agreed terms. This research aims to determine the variables that influence murabahah financing at Maslahat Sharia Bank, Bengkulu City, Profit Margin, Non-Performing Financing, Financing to Deposit Ratio, with Financing, Deposit and Savings products. The data used in this research is a descriptive analysis technique because the target is a phenomenon that is currently taking place in the field when implementing corporate business practices. with a period of one month starting January-02- 2024, the data collection method uses observation and interviews. Based on the research results, the profit sharing system without interest is successful in making prospective customers interested in collaborating and has a positive influence.<br>Keywords: Sharia Bank, Murabahah Financing, Profit Margin, Deposit Savings.</p> Zelin Wahyuni, Reka Permata Sari, Ebit Sagita Topandri, M. Noval Setiawan, Mardiyah Dwi Ilhami Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING FEB Fri, 16 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0800 PENGARUH SERVIS QUALITY DAN KEPERCAYAAN NASABAH TERHADAP LOYALITAS NASABAH PADA BANK MUAMALAT CABANG BENGKULU <p>This study aims to analyze the effect of Service quality and customer trust on customer loyalty at Bank Muamalat Bengkulu Branch. Service quality is measured through aspects such as reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and physical appearance. Customer trust is considered an important factor in building long-term relationships between banks and customers. The research method used is a survey by distributing questionnaires to customers of Bank Muamalat Bengkulu Branch. The research sample was taken randomly and involved a number of respondents representing bank customers. The collected data were analyzed using regression techniques to assess the effect of independent variables (Service quality and customer trust) on the dependent variable (customer loyalty). Based on the results of multiple linear regression, the following equation form is obtained: Y = 0.556 + 0.575X1 + 0.7427 X2. The results of this study indicate that Service quality and customer trust have a positive and significant influence on customer loyalty at Bank Muamalat Bengkulu Branch. Therefore, banks need to pay attention and improve the quality of service provided to customers and build customer trust in order to strengthen long-term relationships and increase customer loyalty.<br>Keywords: Service Quality, Customer Trust, Customer Loyalty</p> Rike Novianti, Beli Andrians, Aldha Pebriana Aziz, Bayu Nugroho, Khairul Bahrun Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING FEB Fri, 16 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0800