JURNAL ABDIMAS SERAWAI https://jurnal.umb.ac.id/index.php/JAMS <p>Abdimas Serawai Journal (JAMS) e-ISSN <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/20210417132014342" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2776-3064</a> p-ISSN <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/20210417232017823" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2776-3072</a> published by the Administration Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu is a peer-reviewed journal which contains scientific articles from various scientific disciplines which are adopted in various community service activities and other applied research. JAMS accepts articles in the field of applied research and downstream results of community-based quantitative and qualitative scientific research into community service formats that cover relevant scientific fields including:</p> <p>1. Fields of study are Public Administration, Public Policy, Public Management, Public Services, Social Affairs, Humanities<br />2. Governance Sector, HRM<br />3. Social, cultural, economic, educational, tourism, language and arts fields<br />4. Health, Food and Sports Policy Sector<br />5. Informatics engineering, information systems and communication science<br />6. Environmental policy area<br />7. Policy fields of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries<br />Every manuscript sent to the Abdimas Serawai Journal (JAMS) will be reviewed by experts in the field. This JAMS journal began publication in April 2021, published three times a year (April, August and December). All articles published online in JAMS journals are open to the public. Readers and anyone can read or download without having to subscribe or pay</p> en-US titidarmi@umb.ac.id (Titi Darmi) jamsaptiti@gmail.com (Rahmat Jumri) Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Peran Perawat dalam Pelaksanaan Senam Hipertensi pada Lansia di Panti Tresna Werdha Budi Mulia I Cipayung https://jurnal.umb.ac.id/index.php/JAMS/article/view/7034 <p><em>Hypertension is the most common cardiovascular disease in adults and the elderly. Regular exercise at a moderate level for three days per week for 30 minutes/day. Regular aerobic exercise causes a decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure by 11 and 8 mmHg. The purpose of this community service is to provide an understanding of the importance of the Role of Nurses in the Implementation of Hypertension Gymnastics in the elderly at the Panti Tresna Werdha Budi Mulia I Cipayung and with the presence of Hypertension Gymnastics in implementing preventive efforts in the form of counseling on hypertension, socialization and education. In implementing this community service activity, the author carried out a Professional Guidance Practice program with the aim of providing nursing care and learning in community service carried out outside the campus. The methods used were blood pressure examinations and health counseling and Demonstration. The results of this service showed that significant changes in blood pressure with the provision of elderly gymnastics were able to reduce blood pressure by an average of 10 mmHg. From the results of the activity, it is recommended that nurses be more continuous in carrying out hypertension gymnastics activities and continuous monitoring and evaluation</em></p> Aliana Dewi, Ulfah Nuraini Karim, Sondang Manurung, Erika Lubis Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL ABDIMAS SERAWAI https://jurnal.umb.ac.id/index.php/JAMS/article/view/7034 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Bullying Education In Primary School Children 62 Padang Pelasan Seluma District https://jurnal.umb.ac.id/index.php/JAMS/article/view/7116 <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">SD 62 Padang Pelasan merupakan sekolah dasar negeri yang terletak di Desa Padang Pelasan, Kecamatan Air Periukan, Kabupaten Seluma, Provinsi Bengkulu. Sebagai lembaga pendidikan, sekolah ini memiliki visi untuk mencetak generasi yang berakhlak mulia, berprestasi, dan berwawasan luas, serta misi untuk meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran melalui metode yang inovatif dan partisipatif. Namun, bullying di kalangan siswa telah menjadi isu serius yang perlu mendapat perhatian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi fenomena bullying di SD 62 Padang Pelasan dan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berkontribusi. Dengan menggunakan survei dan wawancara dengan siswa, guru, dan orang tua, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa bullying terjadi dalam bentuk verbal, fisik, dan sosial, yang berdampak negatif pada kesehatan mental dan fisik siswa. Kurangnya pemahaman dan intervensi dari sekolah telah memainkan peran yang signifikan dalam peningkatan kasus bullying. Artikel ini merekomendasikan program pendidikan, peningkatan peran guru dalam pengawasan, dan kolaborasi dengan orang tua untuk menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang aman.</span></span></p> yuni puspita, Eceh Trisna Ayuh Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL ABDIMAS SERAWAI https://jurnal.umb.ac.id/index.php/JAMS/article/view/7116 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Sosial Hukum dan Keadilan Untuk Semua: Menggugah Kesadaran Hukum pada Masyarakat Cahaya Negeri https://jurnal.umb.ac.id/index.php/JAMS/article/view/7135 <p>Legal awareness within society is a key factor in establishing a just and orderly social structure. Unfortunately, in Indonesia, legal awareness remains relatively low, as reflected in the frequent legal violations occurring in both private and public spheres. The program "Law and Justice for All: Raising Legal Awareness in Society" aims to enhance public understanding of their legal rights and obligations, as well as the crucial role law plays in achieving social justice.This program includes various activities such as seminars, panel discussions, legal awareness campaigns, free legal clinics, and paralegal training, all designed to provide practical and easily applicable legal education for the wider community. The goal is not only to improve legal knowledge but also to change societal behavior to foster greater respect for and adherence to the law.With an inclusive educational approach, the program is aimed at the general public, encouraging active participation in law enforcement and reducing legal violations. Ultimately, higher legal awareness is expected to form the foundation for a more just and harmonious society.</p> Melli Romanza, Eceh Trisna Ayuh, Titi Darmi Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL ABDIMAS SERAWAI https://jurnal.umb.ac.id/index.php/JAMS/article/view/7135 Wed, 01 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0800 Pemberdayaan Masyarakat melalui Menejemen Bank Sampah Berbasis Website https://jurnal.umb.ac.id/index.php/JAMS/article/view/7329 <p>Kemumu Village was originally in the form of a village named Sido Mulya from the Dutch Colonization Transmigration Program in 1935 which came from Banyumas, and Kebumen, Central Java. In 2023 Kemumu won 2nd place in the Competition and in 2024 won first place at the Provincial level. With this achievement, of course, the Village assisted by related parties such as TP-PKK and POKDARWIS must strive to create tourist locations to be cleaner, more beautiful, neat and comfortable to visit. However, this effort is not balanced by the awareness of visitors in throwing garbage. Visitors still throw garbage carelessly at interesting tourist spots. This makes tourist locations unbeautiful. Kemumu as a biowealth-based ecotourism destination and agrotourism with tourist spots in swampy areas are filled with a lot of garbage. This causes pollution, the flow of water is obstructed. The 2018 DRTPM PKM program has succeeded in forming a waste artisan center and has succeeded in improving community skills in utilizing plastic waste into goods of economic value. However, along with the increase in knowledge, understanding and behavior of the community in utilizing plastic waste, it has an impact on the lack of plastic waste supply needed by craftsmen. Meanwhile, the people of Kemumu have the potential to produce plastic waste.&nbsp; Through PMP 2024, it tries to provide solutions on how to manage plastic waste in order to create a sustainable tourism village, and increase awareness in waste management, increase knowledge, waste management skills so that it can meet the needs of waste artisans and community income with socialization, training, technology application, mentoring, and evaluation methods. The results of PMP 2024 have been able to increase the knowledge, understanding and skills of partners in managing plastic waste so that waste artisans no longer have difficulty in obtaining raw materials. The Arga Tirta Waste Bank has been formed which is located in the Palak Siring Kemumu Field</p> Yuni Indah Supriyanti, Imron Rosyadi, Hania Sumarni, Hevi Novriani, Kevin Ardiansa Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL ABDIMAS SERAWAI https://jurnal.umb.ac.id/index.php/JAMS/article/view/7329 Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Pendampingan Penguatan Kapasitas Kelembagaan Pengelolaan Desa Wisata https://jurnal.umb.ac.id/index.php/JAMS/article/view/7586 <p>Pendampingan penguatan kelembagaan pengelolaan Desa Wisata Cawang Lama Kabupaten Rejang Lebong dilaksanakan melalui serangkaian tahapan yang terstruktur. Tahap pertama meliputi penelitian dan survei untuk mengidentifikasi kebutuhan dan potensi desa, dengan metode pengumpulan data yang meliputi kunjungan lapangan, wawancara, dan dokumentasi kondisi faktual desa, sumber daya manusia, serta potensi wisata. Pada tahap pelaksanaan, dilakukan pelatihan dan pengembangan kapasitas sumber daya manusia yang terlibat dalam pengelolaan desa wisata. Pelatihan mencakup materi manajemen pariwisata, pelayanan pelanggan, dan strategi pemasaran. Selain itu, dilaksanakan pendampingan teknis dalam peningkatan fasilitas wisata pendukung seperti pembangunan dan standarisasi homestay, penyediaan pusat informasi, serta pengembangan program edukasi bagi UMKM lokal. Pendampingan lanjutan difokuskan pada penerapan teknik promosi dan pemasaran desa wisata dengan pendekatan pemasaran digital, yang mencakup optimalisasi penggunaan media sosial, pengelolaan website, dan pemanfaatan platform digital lainnya untuk memperluas jangkauan promosi. Hasil dari kegiatan ini meliputi peningkatan kompetensi sumber daya manusia dalam pengelolaan pariwisata, perbaikan infrastruktur desa wisata, peningkatan jumlah kunjungan wisatawan, serta penguatan ekonomi desa. Selain itu, terjadi peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat dalam menjaga kelestarian lingkungan dan budaya lokal. Penguatan kelembagaan desa diwujudkan melalui pembentukan dan pengembangan kapasitas Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis) serta Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) yang mengelola sektor pariwisata secara profesional. Keberhasilan ini dapat menjadi model bagi desa lain dalam mengembangkan potensi pariwisata secara berkelanjutan.</p> Titi Darmi, Ririn Harini Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL ABDIMAS SERAWAI https://jurnal.umb.ac.id/index.php/JAMS/article/view/7586 Fri, 17 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0800