Pelatihan Public Speaking Bagi Tokoh Agama Di Desa Sanrobone Kabupaten Takalar
pelatihan, public speaking, tokoh agamaAbstract
This Community Service and preaching (PkMD) activity through Public
Speaking Training for Religious Leaders in Sanrobone Village, Takalar Regency aims to
develop self-potential and improve persuasive communication skills for religious leaders
in Sanrobone village. The development and improvement of persuasive communication
skills is very much needed for religious leaders and religious instructors to balance the
impact and influence of globalization and advances in science and technology. This
condition has an impact on changes in the orientation and behavior of the community
and especially the younger generation in Sanrobone who prefers a hedonistic and
individualistic lifestyle and abandons religious teachings and local cultural values.
Therefore, it is necessary to immediately make systematic efforts, among others, by
improving communication skills with the wider community through Public Speaking
Training for Religious Leaders in Sanrobone village, Takalar regency. The results of this
training will later help the trainees to increase their self-confidence and self-development
facilities, convey ideas systematically and coherently so that participants are able to lead
meetings, sessions and discussions while defending their opinions well. Besides that,
participants are also expected to be able to make public speeches while at the same
time increasing their authority and self-image. In the end, participants will gain the trust
of the community and can influence the community in delivering messages and public
services properly
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