Pembuatan Konten Pemasaran Bagi Pengrajin Batik di Desa Jarum Kecamatan Bayat Kabupaten Klaten
pemasaran konten, penjualan onlineAbstract
The emergence of social media that has been widely adopted by companies
today has provided a change in the direction and business strategy and communication
patterns run by the company. Changes in strategy and communication patterns are also
carried out by the SME sector. The SME sector, which a few years ago still adopted
strategies and forms of direct communication, has now also adapted to using social
media. Social media has also influenced the choice of the company's strategy in
establishing relationships with its customers. Even SMEs must also change their
strategy in dealing with the emergence of social media today, including in marketing
activities. The importance of building SME relationships and their relationships has been
carried out with the concept and seeking social interaction through social networks using
Facebook, Instagram and other social media. The reputation of SMEs will be known by
the public. One form is in batik SMEs who try to market their products online through
marketing content. This service activity is a Community Partnership Program (PKM)
which is carried out on batik SMEs in the village of Jarum, Bayat District, Klaten
Regency. The output of this PKM activity is the creation of marketing content for batik
products produced from batik production activities such as batik cloth, handicrafts, toys
and several other accessories produced from the batik process. Marketing content for
these products is made and then uploaded on YouTube so that it is easily recognized by
customers in a wide range.
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